All About Health And Healing

Revived! After a long absence…

In early 2001, was launched. I knew what I wanted to do, and I tried to convey that digitally. On a website.

I wanted to teach about health and healing.

I had been given a great opportunity to reach people, both chronically-ill patients and healthcare professionals who could help their own patients. It was my goal to give what I had. Much of the information was for free. Then I added a store where you could request hormone testing, supplements, and consultations.

In 2013, after a series of heart-breaking personal tragedies, I took the site down. My friends know some of the story.

Fast forward to today. I am inspired, with the help of family and friends to relaunch

This time, I want to go big, competing against large health sites, famous doctor sites, and laboratory sites.

The broad focus is health with an emphasis on hormone-related conditions. I want to see everyone with chronic health problems find significant value here. And I want to train professionals how to be better at helping their own patients.

Enough about things from my perspective…

What About You?

If you are a health consumer (but not a healthcare professional), expect world-class health information. Usable information that is not encumbered with difficult medical terminology.

You’ll have access to health forums and social engagement with other people like you and with doctors. We want to be the most socially active of the major health sites.

Have you exhausted all your local options for both traditional and alternative practitioners? And you’ve received little or no real help?

Then You are my typical client. You will have access to quality and meaningful health testing. Supplements. Phone consultations. All from a functional perspective. Functional means finding the root cause(s) of a health problem.

There will be an abundance of information freely available on the site and online courses you can sign up for.

If you are a healthcare professional, expect camaraderie. In my training of practitioners, I discovered an amazing common thread: many of the best lack friends or peers they can “talk shop” with. The best are the pioneers, out in front, where it can be a very lonely place.

I’ve helped thousands of practitioners broaden their knowledge base and become one step better in their abilities. That means more patients helped, more healed.

You’ll have access to the forums and one-on-one coaching. You can send me patient test results and use me for a second opinion. You can sign up for in-depth teaching in the area of hormones from a functional perspective. You’ll have access to the best information from a pioneer in the salivary hormone world.

Your Future

What are your dreams? Your goals? And how can I help you achieve those?

Is your own health holding you back? Or, as a professional, do you need more confidence to help your patients? In either case, I have what you need. Please let me help.

Dr. Rhodes